This is TJBC

Every machine Iwork with is a learning experience, a journey not to be missed, and a destination to be falling in love with, over and over again.

Question everything.


Honda came out with a new chain drive 750

30401.17 in reply to 30401.8

Man, they make an interesting bike and then shit on the whole thing with "EFI". ugh, taking all the fun away from the chopping and modifying crowd. and im not talking bolt on... thats not modifying, thats bolting on.
i dunno about everyone else, but a computer chip does not make me all warm and fuzzy in my diaper area.

i can see it now...
"dude i really wanna add a few ponies to my scoot"
"hey bra, here you will need this cheez-it sized silicon wafer, how gnarly and bad-ass is that!"
"dude thats more queer than a 3 dollar can that tiny thing make me dinosaurian sized in my pants???"
"but braski! check this hot action out... you can add 10 horsepower without even touching a wrench! Observe in rapture as i give your bike Balls of Brass! yes all the bitches will swoon for you, you will be summoning the wenches from accounting for a pansexual adventure, through time! Oon your steel horse of computer chip powered fury! !"
"Dude you just plugged in a chip to my bike and now i have 10 more horsepower...!!!"
"I KNOWWWWW!!!!! SEEEEEEECCCKKKK!!! You didnt even have to get your expensive shoes dirty! ha you dint even have to wash your hands after! its like magic! so easy! now throw on these biker labeled clothes so everyone knows we are bikers and lets go chug energy drinks and some river-water natty ice and cruise for Bro-Hos and skeezers!"
( high fives all around)

-flash to commercial-

"Bikers! tired of those old ratty leathers your tough as nails grandfather passed on to you? Theyre garage sale fodder for sure! At Old Army this summer, Biker brand cargo shorts are a breeze with low prices and the styles the bad ass wanna-be in you craves! Street Cred in-a-box, now on sale for all misses and juniors sizes! NOW for only 10.99!!! Skulls! Spikes! Flames! 86% off all I-Suck-at-life brands! All on sale at Old Army this summer fashion season!

somehow the entire element of experimentation, and variables within a carbureted machine, and the pride and satisfaction that comes from accomplishing something yourself is completely gone. i could piss on that computer chip and destroy that bike... whereas if you pissed on my bike... it would just be dripping with piss... but i could still ride my piss-christened bike!!!
its like theres nothing left to using your damn brain. some slinky japanese feller engineered the chip in your bike...and the system which operates your bike. plug and play on a motorcycle... wow, look at my big penis. yeehaw.

Im way too old to be this young.

anyone have a time machine where i can go back to the 50's and 60's?

ill only need a one way ticket.

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