This is TJBC

Every machine Iwork with is a learning experience, a journey not to be missed, and a destination to be falling in love with, over and over again.

Question everything.


So Ive seen some pretty awesome blogs that i go to regularly and some that suck and a few others that are just plain damn cool and i though... why not do my own?

I don't really think I'm that interesting by myself but some of the stuff i do and things I'm interested in might be cool for other people to check out.

I'll post pictures, videos, links, music, and just share a bit of whats in my noggin.
Maybe ask for opinions, maybe not.

I work on bikes, I play drums, I breathe fire, I write music, I throw knives, I wrote poetry, and I dig music and tattoos and some other pretty backhanded, off the wall shit.

If you dig it all, then cool, if not, then go fuck yerself, no ones makin ya look.

PS- ill put up links to my favorite websites and blogs as well so be sure to check em out.

I will say that Chopper Dave, Clint at Bruiser Custom Cycles, Denver Dan and the guys at Church of Choppers have been big sources of inspiration for not only this but alot of other aspects of the chore of bein alive. Respect


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